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Внеклассное мероприятие:   "English in action

Участники: учащиеся 1-х, 2-х, 3-х, 4-х классов.

Цели и задачи: активизация и закрепление изученного материала по учебнику "Way Ahead” издательства Macmillan.

1. Развитие языковых, интеллектуальных, творческих способностей учащихся.
2. Развитие речевой культуры школьников и культуры общения.
3. Формирование положительной мотивации учения.




1. -Good day dear spectators.

 -We are beginning our broadcasting on a Chanel ‘Jetix’.

-Today, students of Intellectual School of the First President have prepared English party for you. They would like to demonstrate their abilities and what they have learnt for this period of time.

-And now the students from the grades 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and even from the first grade will show you their talents.

-Children will not only sing and dance, but they will tell you what they have learnt at the "Puppet Factory”

-Perhaps we will not tell you further what’s going on, but will show you in action.

-I agree.

-Sow please welcome the students from the 4th grade.

Students from 4th grade "B” – "The rules of our classroom” (на слайде приготовлена презентация)

Представляют на слайде правила школы и что, должны одевать девочки и мальчики в нашей школе. Употребляют should and shouldn’t.


-          I think it’s right to have such kind of rules.

-          Can you imagine, what would happen, if their wouldn’t be any?

-          Oh, no I can’t imagine.

-          I hear some kind of noise. (слышит голос)

-          song

-          " My box of colors”

Students from the 1st grade


-          What a beautiful kids, don’t you think Aigerim?

-          Yes, they are lovely,

-          And now we are going to find out what is the weather like?

-          A student from the  4th grade Inzhu.


Категория: English in action | Добавил: Batyr (07.12.2011)
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